
Current Version: 1.0.3
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Oboeru is a simple flash card application for PalmOS. I had been using Flash! which I like alot, but I ran into some limitations when I got to over 1000 flash cards.

The main difference between Oboeru and Flash! is that Oboeru organizes data into two groups: Stacks and Tests. Stacks are just the cards themselves grouped however you like. I tend to group mine by chapter of the book I'm studying. Tests are collections of Stacks. When you create a Test, you tell it which Stacks you want it to cover. When you get a card correct in a Test, it actually updates the card's data in the Stack. This means that if you make a different Test to cover the same Stack, it knows the last time you got that card right in any Test, not just the current one.

For example, let's say I'm studying Japanese vocabulary words and I have one Stack for each chapter in my book. I create a Test called "All" which covers all of the Stacks in the book. Every day I go through that test to make sure that I keep reviewing all of the words I'm supposed to know. This Tuesday there is a quiz just on Chapter 7. So I make create another Test called "Chapter 7 Test" that covers just the "Chapter 7" Stack. Since the data about which cards I'm having trouble with is stored in the "Chapter 7" Stack and not in the "Chapter 7" Test, the "Chapter 7" test knows which cards I was having problems with when I encountered them in the "All" Test.

Oboeru is free and open source. If you use it, please drop me a line. Also please feel free to email me with problems directly or you can submit bugs at the SourceForge project page.

Download Oboeru v1.0.3
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